Change in the Management Board
At the end of 2016, Mr. Friedhelm Gruber will resign from the board of the association “Polo mit Herz für Kinder mit Krebs”.
Moving Moments in the Children’s Hospital Zurich

Thanks to the support of various donors at last year’s Charity Gala Dinner during the Polo Tournament “Pollo Cup”, we were given the opportunity to set up a Photoboothbox in the Oncology Department of the Children’s Hospital Zurich. The purpose of this box is to produce our own photos, so-called “selfies”. The children were allowed to […]
A healing time-out for Serena

Polo with heart was allowed to give Serena a healing time out with horses. This young personality touched us all deeply. She has a rocky road behind her and certainly still ahead of her, but she does not want to resign herself and look forward powerfully. With this she gives us all courage and hope.